Former Chair receives CPRE volunteering award
Tim Silvester, former Chair and longstanding committee member of CPRE Derbyshire has received a prestigious CPRE award for for his long-term and sustained commitment to CPRE Derbyshire, keeping the work of CPRE going through difficult times and helping to protect our beautiful countryside from damaging development.
The award recognises Tim’s efforts in several areas – his Special Contribution to the group, work on Empowering Communities and also demonstrating CPRE’s core values in abundance, particularly being Open and Trusted.
Tim took over the role of Chair of Derbyshire CPRE over 10 years ago. At this time, the group was low on active volunteers and this led to some concern regarding the group’s future. However, Tim didn’t give up; he made sure the group kept up with planning developments and responded to the most damaging ones.
Over several years there was no secretary, so Tim took on all the group admin tasks, as well as the role of external liaison. He also attended regional meetings to keep up to date with other colleagues. Without Tim’s personal commitment to the countryside and determination to carry on the work of CPRE, the Derbyshire group would not be in the position it is today.
Thanks to Tim’s leadership of the team, we now have a new Secretary and Chair, and, with assistance from national office have been successful in recruiting new trustees and planning volunteers of all ages.
To boot, Tim is also a thoroughly nice, approachable and supportive person, always helpful and ready to talk through issues. He gave unstinting support to Jo Goddard, our secretary, when she first joined, and has agreed to stay in an advisory role to John Ydlibi, the new chair, to help with the transition.
We’d like to thank Tim and congratulate him on his amazing efforts and contributions to CPRE and the countryside.