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Derbyshire footpaths may be lost forever

4th November 2020

Ramblers ask the public to help ensure historic rights of way stay on the official register to ensure continued access to our countryside.

A recent article in the Guardian has highlighted the laborious work carried out by Ramblers Association volunteers to identify a massive 49,000 miles of footpaths not included on modern maps. These footpaths are therefore at risk of being erased from the records forever under government legislation.

It includes almost 4000 miles here in the East Midlands.

Ramblers volunteer John Bainbridge is quoted as saying “I knew there were quite a lot of paths that weren’t on the definitive map but I hadn’t realised how many”.

The search for missing rights of way continues, with Ramblers saying it’s a “race against time” to reclaim them before the cut-off date in 2026. A crowdfunding campaign has been launched to support the ongoing effort.

Find out more about the Don’t Lose Your Way campaign.

The COVID-19 crisis has really highlighted the health and wellbeing benefits of getting out into the countryside and nature, so let’s get behind this initiative to ensure these rights of way are preserved for us and for future generations.


Family group in woodland
Family group in woodland - Becca Nelson